Wednesday 2 December 2015

Study Task 06: Practical Investigation



Design in WW2 arguably had a positive impact by bringing the world together to solve a global issue. In my project I'll be examining whether the techniques and methodologies of Allied/Axis propaganda can be applied to campaigns regarding climate change mitigation. 

Climate change? Daesh? Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, Friends of The Earth.  

Tuesday 1 December 2015

How humanity is united in times of crisis (WIP)

Looking at graphic design from World War 2 can be intriguing, inspiring and surprising, particularly in the depiction and presentation of different races and genders and their role in society, as well as their relationships with each other. In the above four posters, produced in a time of social division, inequality and apartheid, we see a woman in a military position, a black sailor, a male white soldier and a male white pilot. Whilst white males are in their stereotypical positions, it was unusual at that time for women to be displayed on military recruitment campaigns, and for a black person to take the spotlight in a navy recruitment poster. It could be argued that in times of global crisis, like international conflict, humans tend to ignore their former preconceptions and fuse together more as one species.