Tuesday 20 October 2015

Reading and Understanding a Text

“Discuss the role that Graphic Design can play in periods of political/social upheaval”

A survey of Graphic Agitation 2

1) Tone-of-voice: What can you deduce about the authors position in regard to the subject matter from their tone-of-voice?

The author has an academic tone of voice reminiscent of the tone of voice used by historians and political scientists. Quite aggressive and sharp words are used, especially those with negative historical and political contexts, such as "resistance", "global corporations or multinationals", "invasive", "creeps", and "stealth". It sounds almost ominous and pessimistic. 

3) 5 key quotes from the text?

"Culture jamming - as 'creative resistance' on many fronts - can take many different shapes and forms and keeps evolving as time goes on."

"A major battlefield has been declared over the years by campaigns against the fast food corporation, McDonald's."

"The American Institute of Graphic Arts encouraged graphic designers to help get the public out to vote, and Adbusters appealed to young voters" 

"After the overwhelming experience of Margaret Thatcher, John Major's relatively bland appearance (and politics) had cartoonists resorting to wonderfully far-fetched depictions of him."

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