Tuesday 12 April 2016

The Challenge and Response - A Synthesis

I had given myself an awkward but achievable challenge: I was going to apply the techniques and theories behind WW2 propaganda and use it to create a poster which encouraged space exploration, climate change mitigation, or the advancement of renewable energy. 

In the case below I have chosen to represent the advancement of renewable energy:

SolarCity is the third company in Elon Musk's trio along with Tesla and SpaceX. Founded and operated by Musks's two cousins, it aims to advance the proliferation of solar power across the US. 

I knew from the beginning that I couldn't directly apply World War 2 (specifically Nazi) aesthetics to my campaign poster for obvious detrimental reasons, and so knew my inspiration and synthesis had to be taken from a deeper level. 

This SolarCity poster was created with four main images in mind:
the endless and infinite imagery utilised in many examples of propaganda,
the endless stream of banners visible on important Nazi buildings during 
World War 2, and the image of enormous rallies visible from above, thousands
of soldiers descending into the distance, banners above their heads. 

The Nazi Party believed they were creating a better future, though the sane world disagreed. In the case of SolarCity, only those lacking sanity would claim they weren't. 

I’ve managed to represent these deep, disturbing and powerful images with photovoltaic panels, proving that Graphic Design can have enormous social and political implications in the deepest of senses. 

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