Monday 31 October 2016

Propositions for Research Question

Technology in Cars
How to improve the experience of interacting with a car
Interfaces and experiences 
Defining the next generation of interaction with electric/exploration vehicles

- Could lead on to interaction with space transport question next year
- Would assist in gaining placement at JLR

"How a better user experience with electric vehicles could catalyse the transition to sustainable transport" 

"How a positive experience and interface within electric vehicles could catalyse the transition to sustainable transport" 

"The role of graphic design within car user interfaces" 

"The role of graphic design in improving car interfaces"

"The role of graphic design in improving the experience of using electric cars"

How important UI in cars in general is 

"How graphic design in electric vehicle interfaces can catalyse the transition to sustainable transport" 

Research sources: articles, websites, UI books, primary vehicle research, collaboration with automotive interface designers (McLaren, JLR, Tesla) 

"Client" requirements: Car manufacturer e.g. Tesla, JLR requires an interface design which offers a positive and memorable user experience in order to gain a better brand reputation and sell more cars. This, whether by design or not, helps to advent sustainable transportation. 

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