Tuesday 7 March 2017

Why should in-car UI/UX be more exciting and engaging?

What is the point in more exciting and engaging in-car UI/UX?


To provide a better user experience, particularly if there is to be no manual driving in the car. Absent of the joy of driving (some people like to drive, some people don't), another positive user experience must be present. 


To allow for an extension of the automaker's identity. For example, Land Rover could extend their identity and solidify their relationship with their customers by having interfaces that prioritise ruggedness, luxury, exploration, ability and reliability. 


To take advantage of the now-redundant limitations on vehicles. Interfaces in purely manual cars are bound by the need to be distraction-free, viewable at a glance, and to only focus on the most important details. This is why many in-car interfaces look the same. Free from these limitations, autonomous car interfaces could make great use of illustration, colour, animation and have a much larger feature base. This would all be left to the automaker to decide, which again would strengthen and extend their identity. 

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